Friday, September 28, 2012

Rainbow Me Dolls Art

During the month of September at Rainbow Preschool, the older children (Tigers and Lion Kings) work hard to create their "ME" doll.  The parents trace an outline of their children and cut it out.  The Rainbow children draw their facial features, put hair on. and cut out and glue paper clothing that they select for their "ME" dolls.  Each "ME" doll is as special as the child who made it.  This project takes a lot of time to complete, but is well worth it.  The "ME" dolls are adorable and the children are excited about them.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Tootsie Tulips

We do foot painting for an end of the year art project.  The children had their foot painted and then they stepped on to a paper with a drawn stem and leaves.  We call this art project "Tootsie Tulips."  It is a fun project and the finished product is so cute.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Springtime at Rainbow

Colorful sponge painted kites and Mary Had a Little Lamb art to welcome spring times at Rainbow Preschool.  The children are so creative.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Winter Art at Rainbow Cooperative Preschool

Rainbow had Black and White Day.  The Tiger class did Penguin art, the Bear class did Marshmallow painting, and the Lions marble rolled painted a black and white picture.