Saturday, March 26, 2011

Rainbow Fire Station

During the month of March the children at Rainbow Cooperative Preschool have been pretend playing in the Rainbow Fire Station. They have had a lot of fun driving the fire truck and police car and have been busy putting out fires.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Field Trip to the Fire Station

Today the Tiger class visited the Bowling Green Fire Station. Later in the month the Bears and Lions will do the same field trip. It is an important field trip to reinforce fire safety and calling 9-1-1. Here is a fire fighter in all of his gear to show the children that they do not need to be afraid of a fireman. Many thanks to the Bowling Green Fire Department for this wonderful experience.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Showing Kindness to Others

During the month of February, the theme was "Fill Your Hearts with Kindness." The Rainbow parents and children brought in food donations for the Bowling Green Food Pantry. This picture shows the food donations ready to be delivered. The children helped count the items and the total number of food donations was 140. What a wonderful way to show kindness to others!!!!!!