Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bringing the Snow Inside

Since it was too cold to play outside in the snow, I brought the snow inside for the children to play with it in the Sensory Table. The Tigers worked together and made this indoor snowman. Too cute!!!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

High Five Presentation

Rainbow Preschool recently had a visit from Miss Terry, a Health Educator nurse from Wood County Hospital. Miss Terry talked to the children about washing their hands to stop germs from spreading. In this photo you can see Miss Terry and her High Five display. The children learned the five steps to washing their hands. They were instructed to wash their hands for 20 seconds (about as long as it takes to sing the ABC song). So, children who attend Rainbow are now singing the ABC song whenever and where ever they wash their hands. Miss Terry gave the children a sticker, a bar of soap and an informational coloring pamphlet. Many thanks to Miss Terry and the Wood County Hospital!!!!

Rainbow's Art Gallery

This photo was taken in the Art Room. Some "winter" art projects are hanging up to dry. We made penguins, painted with marshmellows, finger ice-skated on foil and painted snow on trees. Enjoy our Art Gallery. Rainbow Preschool has some budding young artists!!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Our Mitten Tree

This year Rainbow Cooperative Preschool had a "Mitten Tree." The children brought in hats, gloves, mittens, and scarves to donate to the Cocoon Shelter. The children were very excited to donate their items to help children who do not have hats, gloves, etc. to keep them warm in the winter. The response was overwhelming. We presented our donations with love and caring.